Thursday, January 30, 2025

Neuro-Typical? Normal?

We should understand that no one is neuro-typical. Neuro-typical is a statistical artifact. 

So is normalcy.

Claiming that, because you are "normal", everyone must conform exactly to your ideas of how things should be, of how people communicate, of how people behave, is a symptom of a gross divergence. 

No mortal should claim to be God, at any rate.

It should be enough to have people around you who will meet you half-way. The vast majority of people in the world don't even have that, and we've still managed to more than survive. 

It's true that, in times of peace, somehow we all get along. 

But it's because of all the people that are struggling and somehow sort-of meeting the demands of those who most loudly proclaim that they themselves should be the norm, their behavior and language should be the standard.

Each generation has to learn it all over again -- how to meet people half-way. 

Let people be.


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